Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tips on keeping winter skin healthy-Eucerin Skin Calming Body Wash & Itch Relief Treatment Lotion

Winter is still going strong on the east coast. That means cold weather, snow, rain and sometimes ice. Tonight I ran in the sleet/cold and the wind-YUCK! These sorts of conditions can cause havoc to our skin. My skin naturally tends to be on the dry side anyway so winter makes it even worse.

Discovery Health posted a great article on how to take care of winter skin. Here's the science of what happens to our skin in the winter off Discovery Health's website, "Winter weather affects your skin in several ways. Dry skin is the most common result of seasonal weathering. Cold winter air lacks humidity and dries up natural oils in your skin, causing it to lose its moisture [source: Casey]. Bitter winter winds also cause chapping and windburn. This leads to rough, cracked skin that can feel tight and uncomfortable. The obvious solution might seem to be to getting in out of the cold, but during the winter months, indoor heating systems dry inside air, too. Instead of finding relief indoors, you're likely to suffer an extra dose of the drying effect."
So basically its important to protect your skin and make wise choices about soaps, laundry detergent. You also need to kick up your skin care regimen.

Enter Eucerin Skin Calming Dry Skin Body Wash.
I have been using it for the last 3 weeks. My favorite thing about this product is that it is very nourishing to my skin without being greasy in texture. The body wash contains omega oils and other natural lipids to protect and soothe skin. In addition it is fragrance, soap and dye free.

I have also been using Eucerin Skin Calming Itch Relief Treatment with Cooling Menthol after I get out of the shower.

Its thick and luxurious and doesn't have a heavy menthol smell. Here's the lowdown on this awesome product courtesy of Eucerin's website.
This product" Provide(s) immediate relief to dry, itchy skin with a treatment specifically formulated to calm, soothe, and moisturize. This non-greasy formula immediately calms itchy skin flare-ups and provides relief that lasts up to 8 hours.
  • Dermatologist recommended
  • Cooling menthol formula provides relief for itchy, dry skin
  • Appropriate for use on children and for atopic dermatitis
  • Free of fragrances and dyes"
Let me tell you the skin on my elbows and knees have never been so smooth in the winter before!

I also love Eucerin products because they try to help educate customers on skin health. Its not just about buying lotion its about your skin health. Love it! Check out Eucerin's Skindicator App on our Facebook page to get a personalized skin care recommendation from our Eucerin Skin First Dermatologists.

***Disclosure-The Eucerin team sent me a bottle of both products noted in the article to review. The opinions mentioned are mine and mine alone.

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